February 27, 2013


I've been seeing this photograph floating around on the internet the past few months. Have you guys seen this? Part of me feels very conflicted as someone who is a musician, currently plays in bands, has toured since 2003 (I'm still a young buck, I'm aware. I'm not playing the "I'm old" card), but also as someone who has booked and worked for venues in town for the past 5 years. This photograph feels very, "me, me, me, look at how great I am that I can plug in my guitar, be in a band, and perform live". The reality is that so many blind egotistical musicians don't realize: there's just as much work into operating a bar, venue, club, theater etc etc etc. I recently commented on the thread where this started and used a sporting analogy (sorry!): Why would a GM for ____ professional sporting team pay big bucks to player who doesn't perform very well? This photo generalizes bookers/managers as "you think you're just paying someone to stand on stage to sing and play"? No. The venue paying and praying for is that your music is good enough to bring folks into the establishment so you can make money and the venue covers their expenses for the night. We also are hoping you helped us promote your show. It's a two way street. Musicians and bands pay up the arse for practice spaces, gear, recording time, website, van, van repairs, and many other things as stated in the photo. I know how that goes 100% and hear you loud and clear on that bit. I gotta say that the "costume" part did make me laugh just a little. :) Are you GWAR, KISS, or The Misfits? I'm sure any venue would be glad to pay for your services and willingly take your demands with a smile. You know what the venue pays for that's also extremely expensive that you're probably not aware of or even give a damn about? 1.) The Venue's rent/mortgage - Doubt you thought of that one :) 2.) The staff - The venue provides bartenders, servers, barbacks, and security to ensure that the event goes well and keeps the customers happy. A well run staff is truly what keeps a good venue going and keeps the night awesome. This isn't cheap. If bands don't draw and venues slows down...people's shifts get cut. Jobs will be lost. 3.) Sound person - Oh, you've got your own? That's truly awesome and I bet that's in your benefit so you get the sound you are familiar with. However, the venue still pays for their house engineer to be there to ensure everything is ok and to answer any questions. 4.) Liquor and food licenses - Venue's just don't have magic booze and food appear. Depending where you are some venues even have proper chefs or mixologists (Ugh. Hate that word) on the staff. These permits/licenses cost thousands of dollars and take forever to obtain sometimes. Some cases....lots of boring meetings that go on forever! 5.) The PA/Stage - Venues don't have gear and stages donated to them all the time. The cost of amps, speakers, microphones, monitors, snakes, and so many other things can cost a fortune. Thousands and thousands of dollars, pounds, euros... 6.) General bills: Think paying for A/C, heat, trash, electricity, recycling is a non factor at a club? Think again. 7.) Advertising in local art papers, newspapers, and things of that nature. This isn't free either! We try our best to make sure the show goes well. Good venues don't just book for the sake of booking something. There are nights out there where it's better to have nothing than something. Nobody likes that but it does happen. I think it's great that more and more people are getting into music, touring, making great records, and sharing music. I think it's just foolish to think that the venues should bow down to you because you chose to spend money on being a musician. Certain bands and artists will indeed get a guarantee but you too would laugh if you got emails that I've gotten that have said "We're writing to inquire playing your club on a Friday or Saturday night. We're called Excalibur Deep Burger from Hudson, WI and we just won the battle of the bands at the Fish Bunker two weeks ago. We are very excited at the prospect of coming to rock the house down and PACKING the place. We need a weekend date in one month and also will require $1,000. We're a mix of hard rock originals and hair band covers". Right away, I guarantee this....I'm willing to bet you don't "pack the house". - Musician/Booking guy