June 19, 2011

Tour Blog #6

Today is Father's Day and I finally got to open the card Maija & Linus gave me before I left. It was totally sweet and silly as the card featured Elmo and when you pressed his t-shirt it said "Elmo loves you hahaha!" Couldn't ask for a better family! I'm glad we live in an age where technology is moving so fast. Smart phone? No...but at least my cell phone is able to call home and keep up with texts. Last night I got to use skype for the first time and got to chat/see my Mother. The desert was rough on us. We were in Van Horn, TX for the past couple of days recharging ourselves, drinking coors light (getting real crazy huh?), and eating Mexican food. As I said before we did not go to John Madden's favorite place, Chuy's, but...yes....we ended up doing that because we had to compare.

Your taste in food is questionable. While it wasn't garbage...it just wasn't nearly as good as the joint a block away. The place is decked out in NFL stuff and has a bunch of pictures of Mr.Madden himself with the owners. We got back to the hotel, I mixed the podcast, Tim watched Daily Show on Hulu, Holly watched Neko Case videos, and we eventually all crashed pretty early. Even with 5-6 Coors in us...yeah...come on...it's water beer. I woke up in the middle of night in throbbing shoulder pain. I got up to take some advil and noticed that someone was trying to get into our room. I looked through the peep hole and saw it was a woman with her child in a sling. I opened the door and she exclaimed "Wrong room! Sorry man!". I said "Yes..indeed...wrong room man".

We drove 9 hours to Phoenix and we're currently sitting in Dunkin Donuts. Holly disapproved of her Chocolate Glazed Donut, and Tim seemed to enjoy his apple fritter just fine. For the record: I love the hell out of Dunkin Donuts and MN needs one badly. I did get to talk to my Dad today and he sounded pretty happy about how his Father's Day went. I guess The Twins were victorious AGAIN (what's happening here?) in a thrilling bottom of the 9th victory. Good job team! Tonight is our first time playing in 3 days and we couldn't be more excited to be actually doing something. I did edit the ZA podcast a little bit and hope to put that online as soon as I am complete with the mixing and editing. Oh yeah...did I mention I got to ask Tim and Holly a bunch of stuff and recorded it? I threw in some Paul Allen/KFAN stuff for the missing Thom.

That's all for now!

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